Gene Villeneuve

Gene Villeneuve

Building a unique analytics product and brand called that empowers business users to quickly connect to and merge multiple data sources into reports, dashboards, and surfaces unparalleled insights with AI. I am a seasoned, compassionate, and disciplined software executive with over 30 years of experience running small to large teams at Tehama, Cognos, OLAP@Work (acquired by Business Objects), Business Objects (Acquired by SAP), and IBM.

Posts by Gene Villeneuve

Can you break your IT Addiction?

Boost Your Productivity by Breaking Free From IT! If you're a business user reliant on IT for data and analytics, it's t …

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1 min read
Sep 10, 2024 1:44:03 PM

Can You Avoid Spreadsheet Risk Entirely?

Escape Spreadsheet Risk When Making Business Decisions! In my late 30s, and near the end of an important business cycle, …

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2 min read
Aug 28, 2024 5:10:42 PM