Data Quality When Combining Multiple Data Sources with JDE

2 min read
Jul 29, 2024 12:19:45 PM

Combining Multiple Data Sources with JDE?

Why you need to consider eyko for fast, accurate, and reliable data transformation, quality, and cleaning.

Data quality is critical for accurate analytics, especially when dealing with complex ERP systems like Oracle JD Edwards (JDE). Poor data quality can lead to misguided decisions, wasted resources, and missed opportunities. This is where eyko excels, offering a purpose built workflow for JDE and other data sources.

eyko makes combining multiple data sources, data quality, cleansing, and transformation easy. By automatically detecting links between different data sources, eyko ensures that data from Oracle JDE and other systems is accurately merged and cleaned, paving the way for reliable and actionable insights. Moreover, eyko also gives users a step by step way to enrich data with time intelligence, hierarchies, classifications, and custom calculations.

Merging multiple data sources

Figure 1: Examples of how eyko users can quickly create custom classifications.

One of the biggest challenges in data analytics is ensuring consistency and accuracy across multiple data sources. Oracle JDE data, often rich and with complex data schemas, can become even more challenging to manage when combined with data from other systems. eyko addresses this problem by automating the data cleaning process, identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and duplications. This automation reduces the manual effort required and minimizes the risk of human error, ensuring that the data is as clean and accurate as possible.

Data Cleaning Made easy with eyko

Figure 2: Examples of how eyko can automatically clean data from multiple systems.

Moreover, eyko's ability to automatically detect and link related data points from different sources is a game-changer for data integration. This feature is particularly beneficial when merging Oracle JDE data with other systems, such as CRM or ERP platforms. By recognizing patterns and relationships within the data, eyko can seamlessly integrate disparate data sets, providing a unified view that enhances the depth and breadth of analytics. This integration not only improves data quality but also enriches the insights derived from the analysis.

auto clean and transform data screen

Figure 3: Examples of how eyko can apply Application Intelligence to automatically combine, clean, and transform your data.

To maximize the benefits of using eyko for data quality, cleansing, and transformation, organizations should implement a comprehensive data governance framework. By integrating eyko into this framework, businesses can ensure that their Oracle JDE data—and any other data sources—are consistently accurate, reliable, and ready for sophisticated analytics in eyko's reports and dashboards. This proactive approach to data management not only enhances the quality of analytics but also supports better business outcomes.

To see eyko combining and cleaning Oracle JDE and Salesforce data in action, please watch this recorded YouTube video.


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