Why JDE Customers are Changing Reporting Tools?

2 min read
Jul 4, 2024 9:54:18 AM

Why Oracle JD Edwards Customers are Changing Reporting & Analytics Tools

Many of our early adopter customers are deep Oracle JD Edwards users. In addition, to JDE, they have many new systems and applications on-premises or on the cloud. Many are also migrating legacy systems to new architectures on the cloud. 

Our prospects and customers tell us they need a reporting solution that still understands JDE data schemas and semantics, yet also supports new data sources like Yardi, SalesForce, HubSpot, Big Data, or other ERP systems and more. 

To better understand reasons for changing JDE reporting tools, the eyko team ran a survey with the JD Edwards Professionals group on LinkedIn to see what other reasons are driving the need to change. Want to have your say? Here is a link to a new poll on our website.

Here is an image of the poll results.

JDE Reporting Tool Reasons to Change Poll

Here is a breakdown and some commentary on the survey results.

The top two reasons influencing the reasons to change reporting solutions are:

  • Need to Report Beyond JD Edwards Data
  • Limited Dashboard Capabilities

Many organizations have additional data sources and their legacy reporting tools don't support adding new data sources. Instead of building a data warehouse, organizations want a Reporting tool that lets them combine data from multiple systems into one report or dashboard. Also, many customers want faster and more interactive dashboards that can view data from multiple systems in one view.

The next two reasons are Performance and A.I.

Poor Performance: We've heard some customers complain that reports take over 90 minutes to run and come back in a static format that doesn't support interactivity and analysis such as filtering and slicing the data. They want reports they can interact with and drill into.

No A.I. Integrations: Generative A.I. has become an important next step in the evolution of analytics. Organizations want their data to be well curated and ready for A.I. Not only do they need to combine data but they need to clean and prepare the data for proper A.I. co-pilots and results.

Additional reasons added in the comments were as follows.

  • JDE Knowledge: Many JDE systems have been in production for decades. People with skilled knowledge of the JDE data dictionaries are hard to find. They need tools that understand the JDE data schema for IT and Users to ensure new reports and dashboards can be created. 
  • Vendor Investment: Current tools have seen a slow down in vendor investment and with rising maintenance costs we feel our reporting and analytics tools are at risk of no longer evolving with our requirements.
  • Falling out of love with Current Vendor: Lack of support and misaligned investment with our vision.

Have your say!

Please complete the JDE Reporting Tool Survey and let us know your thoughts on why you or other JDE users are changing reporting tools.


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